Red Hill Contest Winner!

March 1st is here! You know what that means?! That the generator chose a winner for the RED HILL contest! 

Let me refresh your memory: 


Around Christmas, a really cool chick by the name of LeeAnn Wyatt commented on a photo I posted to Twitter of me and my action figure-sized celebrity husband, Daryl Dixon, aka holygodits Norman Reedus. She said [something like], "You know I can get you tickets to meet the whole cast, right?" I hear all kinds of crazy things all day long, like, "I want to have your babies Jamie McGuire!" and, "You traveled to Scottsdale? Travel just four more hours west to X so you can sign my book!" and then I hear really crazy things like, "You are a fantastic writer!". Naturally, I thought this LeeAnn lady's cheese had slid clean off her cracker. But NO, friends. No. LeeAnn is the talent coordinator for the freaking Walker Stalker Con

Hugh mothereffing Howey.jpg

After I stopped crying while hugging my plastic Daryl Dixon, I contacted LeeAnn, and from that moment, a beautiful friendship began. The Walker Stalker Con is in two locations this year: Atlanta and Chicago. I couldn't go to Atlanta, because literally 48 hours before my conversation with LeeAnn, I booked my husband's birthday present during those dates: a five day elk hunting trip in Colorado. A trip we are going on together (and by together, I mean he will be slugging his gun through the frozen tundra while I'm in a cozy cabin by the fire writing a book). So the plan was made for me to travel to Chicago in order to have the most amazing experience of my life, aside from meeting Hugh mothereffing Howey during BEA in New York City last summer. This was shortly after being yelled at by Jim Carey's bodyguard to move along because I was taking too long while trying to take a picture. Yes, friends. This is my life, now. 

Moving along, LeeAnn thought it would be a great idea for me to sign a few books while there--since I happened to write a semi-kick ass zombie novel by the name of RED HILL. After further discussion, LeeAnn thought it would be even cooler to offer my amazing zombie loving readers two VIP Tickets to the Chicago Walker Stalker Con.  I said "No, LeeAnn, no. My readers would hate free VIP tickets to meet the The Walking Dead cast and rub elbows with other, forward-thinking, great-taste-in-television The Walking Dead fans. I know this because so many of them are afraid to read RED HILL." LeeAnn reached her hand through Twitter, put it gently on my shoulder, and said, "You're wrong, Jamie. If you hold a contest, they will come." So I did, and you did, and Katydid. Katy, you know who you are. To enter the contest, readers had to like the Walker Stalker Con cover image on my author fan page, and also tag three of their friends who didn't already like my page, and March 1st, the generator would throw all of those name in a pot and choose a winner. Guess what? IT'S MARCH 1ST!

So ... without making you wait a second longer ...


Congratulations, AMY AMORIM! You are the winner of two VIP Tickets to WALKER STALKER CON, Chicago! Please contact me to claim your prize at at gmail dot com by 11:59 PM, March 3. 

Random happy zombie says "YAY!"


See you there!